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Success Stories

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It has been incredibly exciting to see the impact PWI Google Ad Grant Management has had on our partnered nonprofits. Google Ad success can be measured in many forms. Whether it be increased website views, added newsletter signups, improved click-through rate, or new fundraising campaign interactions, it is clear that our methods have been extremely successful in helping nonprofits grow. Check out a few of our success stories below.

1 million impressions in the first 9 months of working with Project World Impact.

– Farmers and Hunters Feeding the Hungry

585 calls from ad grants | 900 donations | $284,000 in-kind donations

– Habitat For Humanity

Within the first 4 months of working with PWI, impressions multiplied by over 13x of what it was previously.

– A Florida Based Animal Sanctuary

Averages a click through rate of over 13%, and had over 80,000 website clicks in the past year with PWI.

- CBS Lebanon

Check Out Success Stories


“Our team loves working with PWI for Google Ad Grant management. We can trust that we will have successful ads running without having to spend time making them ourselves. This partnership has allowed us to take a hands-off approach to our ads, which allows us to be fully present for our nonprofit’s mission.”

– Emerging Leaders Initiative

“Working with PWI has been a game changer for the Google Ad Grant. Prior to signing up with PWI, we had trouble understanding best practices with the ads. Now, we can trust our ads will bring in website traffic, without the worry of managing them ourselves.”

– On The Edge

“Signing up with PWI for Google Ad Grant Management was a simple choice for my nonprofit. The price can’t be beat, and all the data I need can be found directly on my PWI Dashboard. I absolutely recommend signing up with PWI if you are looking for high-quality Google Ad Grant management available through a digital partnership.”

Success Metrics

Project World Impact has a nonprofit arm called PWI Foundation, that’s primary goal is to raise money for other nonprofits with a variety of causes. PWI Foundation has been utilizing the Google Ad Grant for over five years, and has access to additional Ad spend. This is a testament to the importance of ad optimization over time. Google Ad Grant accounts don’t start off achieving such high results, but over time there is room to grow to be this successful. Feel free to take a look at our Data Studio Report.

Average Ad Grant Stats

After working with thousands of nonprofits, we want to openly share what we see our averages are for our various ad grant accounts. We are excited to help you achieve these results and exceed them over time.

Grant Funding Acquired
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